True 😅 It's ironic though how most JWs are convinced that their every belief is based on air-tight logic. If that were really the case, there would be nothing to fear from "apostates", even those who only use the Bible.
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Memories from the Edge
by neat blue dog inwhen waking up it often isn't an instant switch, there's a period of time when your conflicted feelings are heightened and most uncomfortable.
can anyone remember specific instances in the time before you fully woke up that made you uncomfortable or guilty, despite you still being a 'believer'?.
i can think of two right now, both about a year or two before i woke up:.
Memories from the Edge
by neat blue dog inwhen waking up it often isn't an instant switch, there's a period of time when your conflicted feelings are heightened and most uncomfortable.
can anyone remember specific instances in the time before you fully woke up that made you uncomfortable or guilty, despite you still being a 'believer'?.
i can think of two right now, both about a year or two before i woke up:.
neat blue dog
When waking up it often isn't an instant switch, there's a period of time when your conflicted feelings are heightened and most uncomfortable. Can anyone remember specific instances in the time before you fully woke up that made you uncomfortable or guilty, despite you still being a 'believer'?
I can think of two right now, both about a year or two before I woke up:
On one I was on a "Bible study" at the part in the Teach book that talks about blood transfusions, and the student expressed some concern. Of course my partner and I went all in espousing cell salvage, volume expanders, risk of disease yada yada. At the time I had no idea of the extent of harm and deaths that had resulted from it, but even then I felt a little guilty afterwards for down playing the dangers.
The other was when I gave a talk about the "earthly hope". It was just about the time that I began noticing the lack of evidence for it in the Bible. While writing the talk I realized how flimsy and superficial the whole thing needed to be out of necessity, as there were no scriptures that could be used without being partial quotes and/or out of context, and emotion/humor was relied on heavily over substance to carry the thing. I felt guilty afterwards, even though I was getting pats on the back all around, because I knew it was deceptive and intellectually weak. Still, I wasn't fully convinced and chalked it up to that maybe there was something I was missing or just didn't understand.
Any stories to share?
A recent antiwitnessing experience
by john.prestor ini shared one of these before in which my approach left something to be desired, and i got some flack for that, and rightly so.
so if this story doesn't go over well i won't share another... but given how it ended, i just had to share.... a few days ago i took a trip to a nearby city by bus.
in the about 20-30 minute window between my connecting buses i walked over to a mcdonald's and got a cup of coffee, and when i came back to the little bus station i saw a literature cart sitting unmanned near the doors.
neat blue dog
"Answer my question first and I'll answer yours." He said, "I don't have to answer your question." I replied, "I don't have to answer yours either."
I wonder if later it hit him that that's exactly the way Jesus' conversation with the Pharisees went down.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Great Crowd
by Meshech inas jesus christ was preparing to go to his death, he encouraged his disciples with these words:.
"in my father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, i would have told you.
i go to prepare a place for you.
neat blue dog
Amen, epic breakdown!
It's ironic, JWs will say 'the word Trinity appears nowhere in the Bible', but neither is the phrase 'earthly hope'. As a matter of fact it's explicitly contradicted as you've shown, as well as many other scriptures there weren't room for. The burden of proof is really on them to prove an invented doctrine, and all this research into Greek words shouldn't even be necessary as the scripture's meanings are self evident in this regard, but it just goes to show how weak their foundation is.
neat blue dog
in these last days (tacked onto any sentence as if it means something)
sounded down into our minds and hearts (opening prayer)
as we go our separate ways (closing prayer)
care and keeping (end of prayer)
The Truth (applied to themselves)
Brother and Sister (used as capital titles)
the Slave (again, capitalized, making a simple, universal Biblical illlustration into a title/rank)
KH security meeting
by road to nowhere inanyone else have the "local needs" about security?
and then a meeting to be held for all brothers about same?
you can guess the content: no physical confrontation, no guns, (club ok?
neat blue dog
Yes we've had a couple of those in recent years, (not recent months though), I think it's based on the same outline/info.
This is the kind of thing that keeps JWs from looking into important matters
by neat blue dog in
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
neat blue dog
I literally cried reading this, the WTS/GB is a disgusting piece of shit dressed up as a way to worship God. I hate it with a passion for perpetuating things like this. Yes, go see your mom again in person if you can.
Crisis of conscience
by Incognigo Montoya inso i have not read it yet.
where would be the best place to get my hands on a copy?.
Recent random highlights: Disrespect, Hypocrisy & Creature Worship
by neat blue dog injust some clips from recent articles.. in the one about holidays:.
rosh hashanah.
this is the first day of the jewish year.
neat blue dog
Just some clips from recent articles.
In the one about holidays:
Rosh Hashanah. This is the first day of the Jewish year. In ancient times, this festival featured special sacrifices offered to God.
They say that Jewish holidays are wrong because Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law. So why, then, did Paul say that Jews could continue observations for their conscience, and that no one should judge about this?
Also in that article:
Holidays that honor a ruler or other notable figure. “For your own sakes,” the Bible states, “quit trusting in mere man, who is only the breath in his nostrils. Why should he be taken into account?” (Isaiah 2:22) Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not, for example, celebrate a sovereign’s birthday.
So what about the scripture that says to give honor to 'those who call for such honor'?
Now onto the GB's never-ending double standards:
Do people in general like to have their equals tell them how to live or which moral values to live by? Do people like others to dictate how they should view such things as abortion or capital punishment or how they should discipline their children? These are just some of the issues that divide people. So, humbling though it might be, what the Bible says makes sense. We simply do not have the ability or the moral authority to rule over our fellow humans.
Enough said. That is the very essence of what the GB does. I guess there is a qualifier involved, because they said nobody like their "equals" to dictate their morals, so the GB doesn't consider themselves to be the R&F's equals.
And last but not least, this repulsive 'gem' from a life story:
My parents had nine children, naming their firstborn Rutherford after the then president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. When I came along on December 30, 1922, I was named after Clayton J. Woodworth, editor of The Golden Age (now Awake!).
Sounds like a delightful family 😐